We specialize in the Poland - Italy - Poland relationship, and our cars can be
meet in most EU countries. We transport cars with tonnage
from 1.5 t to 24 t, with many types of buildings: curtain, cooler, isotherm, mega.
We specialize in the Poland - Italy - Poland relationship, and our cars can be
meet in most EU countries. We transport cars with tonnage
from 1.5 t to 24 t, with many types of buildings: curtain, cooler, isotherm, mega.
We are aware that the quality of services we provide in
our drivers' skills and culture are a decisive factor because
they are, in a sense, the trademark of our company.
Therefore, despite the difficult situation that currently prevails on the labor market
drivers, ANTRANS is guided by high recruits when recruiting them
requirements to focus on providing high quality services and
for a good image of the company: